Warner Bros.

It's no secret that James Garner had many thoughts about his Western show Maverick and Warner Bros. once he got away from the series and out of his contract. 

The actor never held back, even insinuating that if it wasn't for the show, his career might've gone further, despite the success and doors it opened for him in television and film. 

During a press run for a new production about Wyatt Earp, Deseret News editor Howard Pearson asked Garner about Maverick in 1967. And well, he was once again honest.

In one portion of the article in the newspaper, Garner said, "Television Westerns are terrible. What do they say? Nothing."

You're probably thinking, "But he was in a Western!" Yes, he was, which brings us to the following quote.

"If I hadn't got out of the series (Maverick), I might have ended up laying carpets. It wouldn't have continued. Anyway, I never really wanted to do TV," Garner told Deseret News.

The actor didn't stop there. "The truth of the matter is that Warner looked all over for someone to play Maverick. I was the last resort. I didn't make any money out of it, and I don't get residuals. [I suggest that] the film be burned. It's running my competition to my movies in several situations."

Garner could've been hurt about being the last resort, and maybe that's why he felt the way he did about the show and television Westerns in general. The editor, Pearson, responded to Garner by saying, "But don't you think television, especially Maverick, made your career?"

Garner replied, "Who's to say it didn't sidetrack me? I might have gotten further if it hadn't been for Maverick." 

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