Can you match these lines to the right member of The A-Team?
Posted: May 15, 2024, 2:54PMSome pretty wild things were said during five seasons of The A-Team. It was the nature of the show, and in the line of work the soldiers of fortune were in, whatever was echoed generally wasn't a surprise. Well, unless Howling Mad Murdock said it.
Below are several memorable lines said on The A-Team. It's up to you to match them to the right character. Use context clues, attitude and the situation to help you decide!
Will you still be wanted by the government after this quiz? Take it and find out.
Good luck!
Which member of The A-Team said: "Not this time. I'm not falling for no sleeping powder in my burger. I'm taking yours!"
Which member of The A-Team said: "Pathfinder, pathfinder... We're going to need the cavalry for this one."
Which member of The A-Team said: "Tighten the valve a little colonel? See where the fluid a-runs?"
Which member of The A-Team said: "Boy, CJ Mack. I wore out three copies of his Blood Simple album when we were in Nam."
Which member of The A-Team said: "Awh no, no come on you can't do this to me Hannibal! Not my Corvette."
Which member of The A-Team said: "I need a dozen stretch limos. Six black, six silver."
Which member of The A-Team said: "Only thing you should be doing in medicine is using it for your head."
Which member of The A-Team said: "Hannibal this is disgusting! Selling used cars... Do you know what that does to the self esteem of an artist like myself?"
Which member of The A-Team said: "Noses are also made to be broken, right Face?"
Which member of The A-Team said: "I'm allergic to bullets. Especially those headed into my direction."
Which member of The A-Team said: "I don't know, I have intermittent memory loss!
Which member of The A-Team said: "Hannibal's on the jazz again."