Hawaii Five-O

What was Jack Lord's first love? We'll give you a hint — it wasn't acting

"L" is for the way we look at Lord and his many talents.

Do you know the real meaning behind this law enforcement jargon?

We're looking for your best effort, 10-4?

A guest star in this popular Hawaii Five-O episode once played a doctor in a forgotten 1970s sci-fi movie

A trip to Saturn gone wrong turns into a completely different role for Burr DeBenning.

James MacArthur once defended Jack Lord against the press

"Jack and I have no problems," he said.

Here's what James MacArthur did after leaving Hawaii Five-O

Whether you called him Danny or Danno, MacArthur greatly benefited from his Hawaii-Five O success.

Jack Lord had the perfect response to ego rumors in the 70s

"I had a deal with the network that called for star billing. There was a reason for that. I don't know where the criticism... MORE

10 reasons Jack Lord was truly the most interesting man on television

Painter, poet, sailor, salesman, singer — the 'Hawaii Five-O' star was a true renaissance man.

How 'Hawaii Five-O' led crime dramas to shoot in the best locations

They're booking criminals, but we're thinking vacation.

Book 'em: Here are 15 things you never knew about 'Hawaii Five-O'

We surfed the internet for some fascinating facts about the classic cop show.
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