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"Dan Troop (JOHN RUSSELL) accurately divines the nature of a poetry-quoting killer to save Lily's life."
Bart has a lot of explaining to do: the bank has been robbed and his saddlebags are bulging with stolen loot.
Josh reluctantly accepts an offbeat assignment: finding a beautiful bride for his bashful buddy, Charlie, the homeliest man in the West.
Josh in a federal prison plotting the great escape? The government employs Randall to portray an escaped prisoner in order to trick his cellmate into leading authorities to the $50,000 he stole and stashed away in a secret location.
A cowboy seeks help for his former girlfriend, a dancehall singer, who he says was forced into marriage and is now being held prisoner.
Paladin is hired to stop a vineyard from being ruined by seepage from an adjacent oil well.
Brazo, a retired gunfighter, attempts to keep his kid brother from taking up the family business.
A crooked ex-Army officer uses Indians to rustle cattle so he can sell them across the border in Mexico.
Bart takes to the sea after buying a derelict cargo ship. The wreck is extremely valuable and he wants to know why.
Nash must protect Lynette from ruthless Hong Kong mobsters when she unknowingly becomes involved in an Asian forgery ring.
When Nash and Joe investigate the mysterious disappearance of several armored cars and their drivers, they uncover a high-tech, covert crime operation run by ex-Navy Seals.
Harvey's shot by death-metal rockers, Stacy and Nash meet Nick's long-lost love, and Joe finds Evan and Cassidy in a compromising situation.
Nash discovers that some financial hanky-panky involving an old flame has burned up his life savings.
Nash and Joe are the targets of a bail bondsman, who bails out small time thugs and uses them as assassins.
Walker, Trivette, Alex, Gage and Cooke go to another city to play baseball with the city's police department. Alex meets with the D.A. who is a friend to talk about a major drug bust they made
A new drug called the White Buffalo hits the streets and Alex, Sydney and a young child find the drug dealers while they are hiking. Sydney is shot by the drug dealers. Walker investigates a buffalo statue that appears to be crying tears.
A wrestling friend of Trevette's is killed during his flying entrance to the ring. The Rangers search for the businessman who wants to put the wrestling company out of business.
Spock kidnaps his former captain, the crippled Christopher Pike, and heads for a quarantined planet, putting his career and Kirk's life on the line.
A brilliant but terminally ill scientist seeks eternal life by transferring his mind into Data's body.
A desperate situation that could cost Kira her life forces Odo to face the depth of his feelings for her.
Another Federation starship in the Delta Quadrant brings trouble for Voyager.
It has been six weeks since Enterprise's new mission began and the crew have made virtually no progress. Now finally, they may have a lead as Enterprise is en route to a mining colony that is supposed to have a Xindi worker. But the attempt to learn more about the race threatening Earth leads Archer and Trip into a trap.
Continuation of "Judgment Day."" The Watchers believe Duncan has been killing Watchers
Don and the team investigate the world of obsessive video gamers after a man plunges to his death.
Cheyenne convinces a reluctant Bobby to post bail and help prove the innocence of her unrequited love, who has been arrested for the murder of his wife, Marily.