H&I TV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH


Colt .45

Phantom Trail

"The Colt boys work to nab cattle rustlers---with Sam posing as a killer eager to kill Chris." 



Clootey Hutter

"Marshal Troop must arrest a fast-drawing woman gunfighter." 



No Place Like Home

Reno investigates a parolee who claims he was wrongly accused of rape. 



Baby Makes Three

Reno and Bobby must rely on their maternal instincts when they find a baby left on their doorstep. 



Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin

Batman and Robin declaw the Catwoman then join Chief O'Hara, Commissioner Gordon and his daughter, Barbara, for the opera as their alter egos. Unfortunately, Barbara is kidnapped by the Penguin, who will force her to marry him! 



Ring Around the Riddler

The Riddler attempts to control prize fighting by brainwashing the current champ into throwing the next fight. 


Adventures of Superman

The Haunted Lighthouse

Jimmy Olsen visits his aunt and discovers a group of smugglers on her island home. 


Adventures of Superman

The Ghost Wolf

Lumberjacks leave their job, fearing a werewolf. A forest fire enlivens the plot. 


Adventures of Superman

Around the World with Superman

Superman helps restore vision to a blind child and reunites an estranged couple for a promotion stunt. 


Adventures of Superman

Through the Time Barrier

Professor Twiddle invents a time machine which takes Jimmy, Lois, Clark and a thug back 50,000 years. 


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman vs. Gargantua!

Wonder Woman battles a seven-foot-tall, 500-pound gorilla. Robert Loggia guest stars. 



Halloween Knights

MacGyver and Murdoc ate forced into an uneasy partnership when they must rely on each other's resources in order to rescue kidnap victim-- Murdoc's sister 



Lesson In Evil

After testifying against him in his bid for freedom, MacGyver becomes the target of an escaped mass murderer. 


Martial Law

Painted Faces

Sammo's nemesis, Lee Hei, is back in the US and attempts to assassinate the mayor of Shanghai. 


Lethal Weapon


"Murtaugh digs Cole out of trouble with a cartel." 


Walker, Texas Ranger

Team Cherokee (Pt. 1)

The Cherokee Indian racing team is experiencing a lot of problems with their cars and drivers. A rival team wants to make sure the Cherokee do not win the races. Meanwhile, a young girl is kidnapped so Trent and Carlos search for her.  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Team Cherokee (Pt. 2)

A Cherokee driver is injured by a rival racing team. Walker takes his place in the race.  


Black Sheep Squadron

Fighting Angels

Vella La Cava is overrun with Japanese commandos. Col. Lard and Pappy must work together to keep the island out of enemy hands.  


Black Sheep Squadron

The Iceman

Pappy gets transferred back to the states to boost morale, denying him a rematch with a top Japanese air ace and placing the Black Sheep under the command of a no-nonsense, by-the-book commander.  


Tour of Duty

Nowhere To Run

Two sappers make their way into Firebase Ladybird without being detected, but Percell sees the third one, killing him. The other two manage to set off their explosives before they can be stopped. The next morning, Capt. Wallace orders Anderson and Goldman to have their men police up the dead bodies.. Anderson complains his men are beat, but Wallace isn't concerned. Percell is upset both over a friend's dying and having received a "Dear John"" letter. Goldman 


Tour of Duty

Road Runner

One of a GI's big events is the arrival of his mail. When Zeke opens his mail to find that his ex-wife, it is to find that she is complaining that he is not writing letters home often enough to their 3-year-old daughter. Zeke already has enough responsibilities... this one isn't wanted. However he has little time to worry about it before he finds himself out on patrol. Goldman orders the squad forward when Anderson warns that they are walking into trouble, Anderson scouts out ahead and ends up in a near-lethal mortar barrage. Anderson is nearing his limit when he finds out that the squad's next destination is a valley where Zeke's last outfit was nearly wiped out. Anderson fights going tooth-and-nail and it is obvious to everyone that Zeke is falling apart. There is little time to help him, though, as the men have to consider their mission first. The squad ends up going after a downed flyer... and while Zeke continues to deteroriate. 



The Linesman

Sgt. Saunders' squad is assigned to protect McKlosky's communication squad while they lay a phone wire out to an observation post. McKlosky has already lost one man and doesn't think Saunders' men can do the job.  



The Farmer

A private from rural Iowa endangers the squad when he neglects his duties to attend to the chores of an evacuated farm on the battlefield. 


The Rat Patrol

The Do or Die Raid

The Rat Patrol undertakes a stealthy night mission to get Sergeant Griffin into the headquarters of a German panzer group so he can plant a false map. The veteran lock-picker has the skills required to ensure success, but Sergeant Troy soon finds out that he also has a secret that could endanger the mission. 


The Rat Patrol

The Blind Man's Bluff Raid

While on a mission, Sergeant Troy becomes separated from the Rat Patrol and lost in the desert. Suffering from exhaustion and sun blindness, he wakes up safe in an aid station—but things are not what they appear to be. 


12 O'Clock High

The P.O.W. Story: Part 2

Savage kidnaps Oberst Richter while escaping with Forrester, Regis, "Baby," "Doc" and "Moxey." "Baby," Regis and Forrester are killed. Savage, "Doc" and "Moxey" make it back to England via a ship with the resistance help of Dr. Erlich. Along the way Savage is forced to kill Richter. 


The Rat Patrol

The Fatal Chase Raid

The Rat Patrol releases a group of American POWs from a German convoy. One of the POWs claims to be carrying vital information for the Allies, but two other POWs are out to kill him for personal reasons. 


The Rat Patrol

The Blow Sky High Raid

The Rat Patrol receives a new type of explosive to be used in destroying a vital German radar station—but Dietrich has a few surprises of his own.  




Don and his team investigate the death of a minor league baseball player to determine if it was an accidental overdose of steroids or a homicide. 



Hound Downtown

Reno and Bobby follow a bounty to New York City and experience the perils of being tourists while they track their quarry.  

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