H&I TV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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The Restless Gun


"Near Clay City, Bonner stops two bullies who are trying to force an old prospector to reveal the location of the gold he believes he has found. The old man has a history of claiming to have found gold that turned out not to be, and Bonner knows that the gold once abundant around Clay City is believed to now be all gone. But the assayer thinks this time the claim might be for real." 



Battle Scar

"A brutal ex-Major, Ben Rogers (R.G. ARMSTRONG), involves Marshal Dan Troop (JOHN RUSSELL} and Johnny McKay (PETER BROWN) in a nightmarish battle when they go to the aid of Colonel French (WALTER COY) and Cynthia Rogers (CATHERINE McLEOD)." 



Two Beggars on Horseback

Bret and Bart's devotion to one another is tested when they're offered a deal that can mean $10,000 for one of them—but just one. 


Wanted Dead or Alive

Twelve Hours to Crazy Horse

Josh delivers Dan Murdock, wanted for multiple murders in Mesa City. He learns that the local sheriff is the brother of Crazy Horse's deputy, one of the victims, and it's unlikely that Murdock will arrive safely. Josh goes along to make sure that he does. 


Wanted Dead or Alive

No Trail Back

Joe Hooker, after raiding a bank on behalf of his brother, Ben, is bitten by a dog with rabies. Upon learning this, the sheriff ends his pursuit. Josh, however, decides to go after Hooker anyway. 


Have Gun, Will Travel

Fight at Adobe Wells

Jonathan Guilder hires Paladin to escort him through Indian country. They end up trapped at an old adobe stage stop by Quanah Parker, a half-indian, half-white Indian warrior with a personal grudge against Guilder. 


Have Gun, Will Travel

The Gladiators

Allison Windrom hires Paladin to stop a duel between her father and Graham Beckley. When Beckley finds out about Paladin he hires a gunfighter to take his place. 



Incident at Sulphur Creek

After horse thieves hit the herd, the drive is at a standstill while Pete Nolan scouts for replacements.  


The High Chaparral

Lady Fair

Buck falls for a pretty tomboy freighter and helps her win a fight against a ruthless freighter. 




Cheyenne and Smitty agree to guide a lost wagon train to the nearest U.S. Cavalry post.  


Hawaii Five-O

Ways of Love, The

After a girl dies during a high-speed car chase, the trail of clues leads to a Los Angeles prison. McGarrett goes undercover as convict Steve Crowley and aids in a prison escape. 


Hawaii Five-O

No Blue Skies

When a singer, Joey Rand, finds that his career doesn't pay well enough, he turns to cat burglary. However he doesn't reckon on Hawaii Five-O. 


Hawaii Five-O

By the Numbers

A winning lottery ticket drags an army private into the murky world of mob politics. 


Hawaii Five-O

Yesterday Dies and Tomorrow Won't Be Born

When McGarrett is shot and badly wounded on a beachside jog, Danno and the team must work feverishly to find the culprit and prevent him from committing any more murders. 


Hawaii Five-O


McGarrett must protect a mob underboss so he is able to testify against his superior, Joe Matsukino. However, Matsukino has many tricks up his sleeve to silence his former colleague permanently. 


Walker, Texas Ranger

Turning Point

Walker sets out to go after the Chairman. He decides to go after his clients. He decides to start with a man Rosetti knows who is now in Miami. He sends Rosetti, Trivette, Gage and Cooke.  


Walker, Texas Ranger


The explosive conclusion of the Rangers' on-going search for the elusive and resourceful Chairman.  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Child Of Hope

A man joins burglars to make money to feed his family. When things go wrong, he is killed. His wife and baby escape, but she has to abandon her baby with Alex. Alex cares for the baby while the case is solved. Alex learns she is pregnant.  


Star Trek

Operation -- Annihilate!

Kirk and the Enterprise must combat parasitic aliens. 


Star Trek: The Next Generation

Thine Own Self

Having completely lost his memory, Data is stranded on a primitive planet where the inhabitants fear he is carrying a deadly plague. 


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

The Foresaken

While an alien entity wreaks havoc with the station's computer, the irrepressible Lwaxana Troi sets her sights for romance—with Odo. 


Star Trek: Voyager


A rescue mission puts Torres and the Doctor in the hands of a psychopathic hologram. 


Star Trek: Enterprise

Dead Stop

Suffering from damage inflicted in the Romulan minefield and unable to complete repairs on their own, Archer orders a distress call to be put out. A response leads Enterprise to a repair station, which surprisingly has no crew aboard it and is run by computer. Repairs on Enterprise are carried out quite efficiently and quickly, though the price for all this is much higher than the crew could've guessed. 




Ahriman continues to torment Duncan by killing mortals. He re-animates his latest victim to serve him, threatening to kill her brother if she does not cooperate. 




Charlie’s precise analysis reveals there’s more to a speeding car crash that leaves one person dead and many injured. 




Charlie is uncomfortable when the team has to use a numerologist to solve the current case. 



Once Burned, Twice Chey

Cheyenne convinces a reluctant Bobby to post bail and help prove the innocence of her unrequited love, who has been arrested for the murder of his wife, Marily. 

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