H&I TV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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The Restless Gun


"The two partners in Tower Rock's bank have split and formed two rival banks across the street, both men blaming the feud on each others' wives and their rivalry over the annual strawberry jam contest. The two bankers have in turn caused the entire town to form rival sides, and officials want Bonner to mediate the feud." 



The Posse

"When pretty Beth Hunter (JEAN ALLISON) drives into Laramie with a dead man in the back of her buckboard, it sets off a chain of events which send her young husband Tracy (MICHAEL MACREADY) into the hills pursued by a posse." 



Game of Chance

Bret and Bart are pursuing the same woman. What's the attraction? The $10,000 she copped from them. 


Wanted Dead or Alive

Bad Gun

Against better judgment, Josh serves as guide for a dandified East Coast gun salesman who comes west to retrieve and replace a defective gun he sold to notorious outlaw Curly Bill Brocius. 


Wanted Dead or Alive

The Tyrant

On the trail of a Cavalry deserter and the horses he stole, Josh rides into a town ruled as the private fiefdom of its autocratic, psychopathic marshal. 


Have Gun, Will Travel

The Ledge

Paladin and four others debate what to do after a man falls off a ledge and it is uncertain whether he is alive or dead. Unresponsive and out of reach, the fallen man may be on the receiving end of a mercy killing if no one can find a way to get to him.  


Have Gun, Will Travel

Lady on the Wall

"Paladin stops in the small town of Bonanza on his way through and finds himself accused of stealing a painting of a young, beautiful woman." 



Incident of the Sharpshooter

A posse gives up looking for two outlaws, Vance and his partner. They then come upon the body of a lawyer ambushed by indians. Vance decides to pose as Jonathan Williams, attorney at law.  


The High Chaparral

Trail to Nevermore

Victoria, Manolito and a wounded Big John seek refuge in a ghost town from bandits who stole their horses. 



Showdown at Oxbend

Cheyenne takes on a ruthless cattle baron. 


The A-Team

Judgement Day (Pt 1)

"The A-Team travels to Europe to rescue a judge's daughter from kidnappers." 


The A-Team

Judgement Day (Pt 2)

"Faceman devises a scheme to capture the kidnappers of a judge's daughter." 


The A-Team

Where Is The Monster When You Need Him?

"On location in Mexico to film a monster movie, the A-Team locks horns with a war criminal." 


The A-Team

Lease with An Option to Die

"The A-Team tangles with neighborhood thugs after answering B.A.'s mother's (Della Reese) call for help." 


The A-Team

The Road To Hope

"The team tries to expose a millionaire's son who is running an illegal operation out of a Skid Row shelter." 


Walker, Texas Ranger

Home Of The Brave

The Rangers stop a baby kidnapping ring that sells the infants to parents desperate for a baby. Also, a property owner wants his tenants out of the apartment building, so he plants a bomb with the people inside.  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Deadly Situation

Walker, Trivette, Alex, Gage and Cooke go to another city to play baseball with the city's police department. Alex meets with the D.A. who is a friend to talk about a major drug bust they made  


Walker, Texas Ranger

White Buffalo

A new drug called the White Buffalo hits the streets and Alex, Sydney and a young child find the drug dealers while they are hiking. Sydney is shot by the drug dealers. Walker investigates a buffalo statue that appears to be crying tears.  


Star Trek

The Alternate Factor

Kirk and Spock encounter an alien named Lazarus who claims to be from an anti-matter universe. 


Star Trek: The Next Generation

Sub Rosa

Shortly after her grandmother's death, Beverly falls under the spell of a ghost lover who has been in her family for generations. 


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


A stubborn old Bajoran farmer forces Kira to take a good look at how much she has changed since her alliance with the Federation. 


Star Trek: Voyager

Day Of Honor

A close encounter with death teaches Torres the true meaning of honor. 


Star Trek: Enterprise

Carbon Creek

After Archer and Trip become curious about a visit T'Pol made to a Pennsylvanian mining town called Carbon Creek, she tells the two a tale about a Vulcan ship that crash-landed in 1957. 



The Modern Prometheus

Duncan visits Lord Byron and the Shelleys, inspiring Mary Shelley to write 'Frankenstein.' 



Money for Nothing

Don and the FBI search for the hijackers of a truck filled with medical supplies and 50 million dollars for an African relief effort. 



The Janus List

Don and Charlie discover a buried secret that will change the FBI team forever. 



Rabbit Redux

Reno's surprise reunion with Leeza Bendetti at Bobby's scenic Duck Lake cabin is soured when he stumbles upon a trio of drug dealers and their rolling narcotics lab in the adjoining woods. 

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