H&I TV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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The Restless Gun


"A woman is shunned by everyone in her home town, including her own father, because she married a man who later turned outlaw and killed the town's leading citizen. Bonner tries to prevent the shunning from escalating into violence." 




"Marshal Dan Troop (JOHN RUSSELL) gets himself in the middle of a fight between some troublesome buffalo hunters and a tribe of angry Shoshone Indians." 



Windy City Blues

When Reno learns of the escape of a convicted killer, he heads for Chicago to protect the arresting officer, his father, Police Sergeant Doug Raines. 



Honor Bound

When a distinguished municipal judge awakes after an intimate evening with a "date" and finds that the girl has been murdered, he must pay off a club owner who is willing to help him cover up the incident. 



The Bookworm Turns

The Bookworm, a notorious master of stolen book plots, stages a phony assassination attempt on Commissioner Gordon in order to place a bomb in the Batmobile. 



While Gotham City Burns

After Batman saves Robin from a giant clock, the Dynamic Duo confronts the Bookworm and his monster books. 


Adventures of Superman

Drums of Death

Perry White's sister and Jimmy are captured by Haitian voodoo worshippers. 


Adventures of Superman

The Evil Three

Three strange men try to scare Jimmy and Mr. White out of an abandoned hotel. 


Adventures of Superman

Riddle of the Chinese Jade

An expensive figurine is stolen before it can be presented to the National Museum. Superman uncovers the thief. 


Adventures of Superman

The Human Bomb

Bet-A-Million Butler, a racketeer and gambler, schemes to keep Superman helpless while robbing the Metropolis Museum. 


Wonder Woman

Flight to Oblivion

Wonder Woman is pitted against a former Army Colonel who has become an enemy agent and wants to destroy a new Air Force test plane. 



The Road Not Taken

MacGyver and Pete Thornton travel to Southeast Asia to rescue a group of orphans, a nun, and Mac's old flame, Debra Easton, whose lives are threatened by an oppressive regime. 




In the wilderness, MacGyver and 10-year-old Darin Cooper intervene to save the lives of a pair of golden eagles injured by poachers. The poachers go after MacGyver -- witness to their crime -- and taking Darin and his mother hostage. 


Martial Law

Freefall: Part 2

Spy satellites come crashing down in downtown Los Angeles. 


Lethal Weapon

The Odd Couple

"Riggs & Murtaugh's relationships are "under construction."" 


Walker, Texas Ranger

Vision Quest

A criminal whose operations Walker and the others have been foiling decides to take them out, so has one of his men plant a bomb when they're all together.  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Matter Of Principle, A

A young girl is shot when some men who committed a crime were shooting their way out. Her father is a former Ranger whom Walker knows. And he sets out to find the one who shot her. Walker tries to caution him about what he is doing. He gets the man reinstated.  


Black Sheep Squadron

The Show Must Go On... Sometimes

"Pappy cons a unit of lecherous Seabees into repairing the bomb blasted runway with a trumped up promise of a bawdy USO show after the work is done, but the only girls around are the island's four nurses. " 


Black Sheep Squadron

Sheep in the Limelight

The squadron save a transport plane under attack from the Japanese, finding it occupied by the First Lady. The subsequent publicity becomes overwhelming.  


Tour of Duty

Lonesome Cowboy Blues

A Vietnamese approaches Alex to ask her to buy something for her at the PX -- which is illegal. As an MP chases the woman off, Alex sees her drop a GI ID card. 


Tour of Duty

Sins Of The Father

"Zeke and the men are out looking for a sniper, and after entering a village Anderson sees movement -- someone in typical "black pajama" garb of the VC, who fires on them." 



The Glory Among Men

When the one person in the squad who is disliked by most of the men, Mason, is wounded, the Germans use him as bait to try and get the squad to come after him. Orders come in come to leave Mason behind if it is too dangerous to retrieve him. One soldier, however, doesn't want to leave Mason behind. 



Mountain Man

Saunders meets with a recluse Frenchman who lives on the same mountain that he needs to mark a trail over. 


The Rat Patrol

The Double Jeopardy Raid

The Rat Patrol is at odds with a group of young partisans when the irregulars endanger the plans of an Allied offensive by attacking an SS camp.  


The Rat Patrol

The Hickory, Dickory Dock Raid

The Rat Patrol is assigned a mission to safeguard POWs being held at a German repair depot that will be targeted by bombers, but Moffitt becomes unreliable after he receives word that his kid brother was killed in England.  


12 O'Clock High

Appointment at Liege

Major Gus Denver returns to the 918th from the states. While he was away on special instructor duty at Langley, his original crew was shot down over Liege and none survived.  


The Rat Patrol

The Tug-of-War Raid

Troy goes undercover to receive a locket of microfilm from a female French Resistance fighter, but both get captured by Dietrich. After Troy refuses to divulge the location of the locket, Dietrich sentences them both to hang. 


The Rat Patrol

The Never Say Die Raid

Troy and Hitchcock are captured by a German colonel who plans to force them to radio misinformation back to their headquarters. Meanwhile, Moffitt and Pettigrew's rescue attempts are frustrated by an Italian lieutenant who insists upon surrendering to them.  




Don and the FBI investigate the mysterious death of a mixed martial arts fighter who dies in the ring. 



Hard Rider

When a UNLV coed is kidnapped following a frat party, Bobby is hired by her father to deliver the $2-million-dollar ransom and ensure the 18-year-old honor student's safe return.  

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