H&I TV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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The Restless Gun


"A band of former Confederates led by Colonel Bromley have taken over a Kansas town. But an idealistic foreign soldier who fought for the Union arrives and is immediately humiliated by Bromley's men, whereupon he challenges Bromley to a duel. Bonner hopes to prevent the duel." 



The Chef

"Marshal Dan Troop (JOHN RUSSELL) finds himself between the fire and the frying pan when international politics invade the kitchen of a trail-town restaurant." 



The Spanish Dancer

After scuffling with a pal over a dancer, Bart must do some fancy footwork to escape his plight: he's accused of murdering his friend. 


Wanted Dead or Alive

The Hostage

Who needs enemies with friends like the residents of Rogue City? The townsfolk celebrate Randall for bringing in notorious killer Jumbo Kane, but just as quickly turn on him when Kane breaks loose and demands a hostage to ensure his escape. 


Wanted Dead or Alive

The Empty Call

Randall is rooked out of his bounty by crafty criminal Hunt Willis and his accomplice. Not one to accept defeat, Josh turns detective to rout the outlaws, his investigation dogged by the suspicious sheriff, a cousin to Willis. 


Have Gun, Will Travel

Return to Fort Benjamin

Paladin is hired by an Indian chief to help his son, Yellow Star. Not to save his life but to assure he receives a proper Indian burial after his execution. Paladin soon begins to wonder if Yellow Star is guilty. 


Have Gun, Will Travel

Night the Town Died

Aaron Bell's brother was lynched during the Civil War. Eight years later, Aaron is released from prison and returns home to kill those responsible for his brother's death. Warren hires Paladin to protect the townspeople from Aaron and protect Aaron from them. 



Incident of the Night Horse

Favor clashes with his old enemy, Jed Carst, a crude, illiterate man obsessed with capturing a wild stallion.  


The High Chaparral

To Stand for Something More

Blue is left in charge of the ranch as the men of High Chaparral travel. However, he struggles to maintain authority and loses Big John's prize stallion.  



Wanted for the Murder of Cheyenne Bodie

Cheyenne somehow winds up being charged with his own murder. 


Lethal Weapon

Frankie Comes to Hollywood

"Riggs & Murtaugh track down a veteran hitman." 


Lethal Weapon

Leo Getz Hitched

"Riggs & Murtaugh attend Leo Getz's surprise wedding." 


Lethal Weapon

Jesse's Girl

"Riggs find a true family with Molly and Ben." 


Lethal Weapon

Family Ties

"It's Murtaugh's first day on the job as interim captain." 


Lethal Weapon

One Day More

"A threat is made on Riggs's life in the season finale." 


Walker, Texas Ranger

Bachelor Party, The

Walker, Trivette and Gage go to Walker's bachelor party in the woods when Gage is attacked by a bear  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Wedding Bells (Pt. 1)

As the wedding of Walker and Alex takes place, a killer is hired to kill them  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Wedding Bells (Pt. 2)

Just as Walker and Alex are about to go on their honeymoon, the assassin who was hired to kill Alex and whose partner Walker killed, sets out to get them. And he's determined to do it. Even if he has to bring down the plane they're on.  


Star Trek

Errand of Mercy

The Federation and the Klingon Empire teeter on the brink of war as Kirk investigates a humble planet caught in the middle - Organia, inhabited by pacifists 


Star Trek: The Next Generation


Worf's foster brother violates the Prime Directive in an effort to save a doomed alien race. 


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

The Story Teller

Against his will, O'Brien becomes spiritual leader of a Bajoran village—and the only one who can save them from a destructive energy force. 


Star Trek: Voyager

The Gift

The crew must say goodbye to one member of their family just as they are adjusting to a new one. 


Star Trek: Enterprise

Shockwave: Part 2

Daniels and Archer must find a way back to the 22nd Century in order to make sure history plays out as it should. Meanwhile, on board Enterprise, the Suliban have taken over the ship, but Reed, Trip, and T'Pol formulate a plan to eject the aliens. 



Forgive Us Our Trespasses

The bloody Scottish attempt to put Bonnie Prince Charlie on the English throne in 1746 brings Immortal Steven Keane to seek revenge on Duncan in modern-day Paris 



The Art of Reckoning

Don questions whether a death row inmate has ulterior motives when he suddenly agrees to cooperate with the FBI about several unsolved murders. 



Under Pressure

Don and his team conduct a terrorism investigation after they receive word that a deadly nerve agent stolen from a chemical supply company may be in the city's water supply. 




Reno tracks Hound Adams, the only man who can clear Reno's name, to a Carlsbad sports bar. 

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