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Poll: Which of these Western movies defines the genre?
We want your thoughts!
Can you guess the name of these '50s crime-drama films?
You can't have crime without a splash of drama in these films.
Can you remember when your favorite comic book characters were introduced?
Don't turn that page!
Can you name these Clint Eastwood movies?
How well do you know his filmography?
Can you guess the top summer movies through time?
Show us you prioritized popcorn every summer.
11 TV show remakes that are more highly regarded than the movie
From 12 O'Clock High to Friday Night Lights, which do think is better — the movie or the show?
Can you name these '80s fantasy movies?
A journey through enchantment and magical adventures!
Do you remember seeing Clarence Gilyard in the 1986 film Top Gun?
Name an actor with an iconic movie debut. We'll go first: Clarence Gilyard.
What are your thoughts on these classic 1940s Sci-Fi movies?
In the 1940s, the film industry was full of Sci-Fi movies that are seen as classics today. Do you agree?
Are these '70s TV movies or were they released in theaters?
We're sure you've seen some of these movies, but do you remember where?
Which popular 1960s movie did these famous lines come from?
From West Side Story to Planet of the Apes, which films do these lines belong to?
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